Can A Crown Be Done As An Emergency?

Absolutely, a dental crown can be performed as an emergency procedure. Let's delve into the circumstances where a crown becomes a necessity, the process involved in an emergency crown fitting, and what you can expect during the procedure.

When Is A Crown Needed Right Away?

A dental crown is a cap placed over a tooth to restore its shape, size, strength, and appearance. Typically, crowns are used for teeth that are broken, worn down, or have portions destroyed by tooth decay. However, in emergency situations, a crown may be required for:

  • Severe Tooth Fracture: An accident or trauma can cause significant tooth damage, necessitating immediate attention. A crown can provide necessary support and restore functionality.
  • Acute Pain from a Decayed Tooth: If tooth decay progresses to a point where it causes intense pain, a crown may be needed to protect the tooth from further damage and alleviate discomfort.
  • Failed or Damaged Restoration: Existing fillings or other restorative work can fail, sometimes abruptly, and a crown might be the best option to repair and protect the tooth.

The Emergency Crown Procedure

In an emergency situation, the procedure for getting a crown is expedited. Here's a general overview:

  • Examination and X-Rays: The dentist will first examine your mouth and take X-rays to assess the extent of the damage and determine the best course of action.
  • Preparing the Tooth: The dentist will then shape the tooth to prepare it for the crown. This involves removing any decay and reshaping the surface to ensure a proper fit.
  • Impressions and Temporary Crown: Impressions of the tooth are taken to create a custom crown. In an emergency, a temporary crown might be fitted on the same day while the permanent crown is being made.
  • Permanent Crown Fitting: Once the permanent crown is ready (which, in non-emergency situations, can take a couple of weeks), you'll return for a second appointment to have it fitted.

What To Expect And Aftercare

  • During the Procedure: Local anesthesia is typically used, so you should expect minimal discomfort during the procedure.
  • After the Procedure: Some sensitivity and mild discomfort are normal but should subside. It's crucial to follow good oral hygiene practices and avoid chewing on hard foods with the temporary crown.

Taking Care Of Your Emergency Crown

Once your emergency crown is in place, it's important to take care of it just as you would a regular crown. This includes avoiding hard or sticky foods that could dislodge the crown, and maintaining good oral hygiene habits to prevent further issues.

Need An Emergency Crown In Austin, TX?

If you find yourself in need of an emergency crown in Austin, don't hesitate to reach out to Dr. Sumit Kumar at Emergency Dentist of Austin. Our team is experienced in handling dental emergencies and will work to get you the care you need as quickly as possible. Call us at 512-961-6200 to request an appointment. Your dental health is our top priority, and we're here to help when you need us most.