I Have Tooth Pain at Night, What Do I Do?

If your pain begins at night and is keeping you from falling asleep, you’re likely wondering if there’s anything you can do to experience some relief and some well-deserved shut-eye.

There are a few things you can try, but even if these strategies work, you should still see a dentist as soon as possible. Dental pain is usually a sign something is wrong with your oral health.

What Can Cause a Toothache?

Dental pain can be caused by a lot of issues, including:

  • Cavities
  • Tooth infections
  • A damaged filling
  • A cracked or fractured tooth

No matter the cause, you should always see a dentist as soon as possible for the right diagnosis and treatment. Dental pain rarely goes away on its own.

How to Manage a Toothache at Night

If dental pain is keeping you from falling asleep, you can try: 

  1. Sleeping With Your Head Elevated

Toothaches may be worse at night because extra blood flows to the head when you’re lying down. Extra blood increases pressure and could intensify your dental pain. 

Try sleeping while keeping your head elevated. Use some pillows and lay them by your side to help prevent you from turning over while you sleep. 

  1. Take OTC Pain Medication 

Medications like Ibuprofen can help reduce your pain temporarily. The relief could be enough to help you fall asleep and rest.

  1. Floss Your Teeth  

If you’re not a regular flosser, the debris you accumulate between your teeth could be putting extra pressure on your teeth, making your toothache more painful.

Use some floss to remove this debris. You can also brush your teeth right after, and the mint in the toothpaste may also provide some relief.

  1. Rinse Your Mouth with Saline Water

Saline water (or saltwater) helps kill bacteria and could help reduce your toothache. You can rinse your mouth with it 2-3 times a day.

Should You See an Emergency Dentist?

If your toothache is intense and none of the methods above help, then it's best to see a dentist right away.

You are likely also dealing with a dental emergency if you have any of the following symptoms: 

  • Oral bleeding
  • Loose or cracked tooth
  • Fever
  • Swelling around your jaw and face

An emergency dentist can remove your toothache in the first appointment and restore your oral health.

Emergency Dentist in Austin: Don’t Wait to Reach Out 

High levels of pain are definitely a sign that your oral health needs immediate attention.

So if your toothache is keeping you up at night and nothing can manage it, call Dr. Sumit Kumar at (512) 961-6200 for emergency dental services.

For a regular appointment, you can request a visit to the Emergency Dentist of Austin, Dr. Sumit Kumar online.